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赵慧 副教授



        赵慧,女,汉族,1978年10月出生,2004年毕业于大连海洋大学,获得农业生物环境与能源工程专业硕士学位,2005年就读日本京都大学食品生物科学专业,2008年获得农学博士学位。2008年-2010年在日本财团法人生产开发科学研究所进行博士后研究工作,2010年-2011年在日本株式会社FGA laboratories研发部进行研发工作,2011年到大连海洋大学太阳成集团tyc7111cc·(中国)官方网站。



[1] Wakasa Y, Zhao H, Hirose S, Yamauchi D, Yamada Y, Yang L. Antihyper- tensive activity of transgenic rice seed containing an 18-repeat novokinin peptide localized in the nucleolus of endosperm cells. Plant Biotechnol J. 2011; 9(7): 729-735.

[2] Zhao H, Ohinata K, Yoshikawa M. Central prostaglandin D2 exhibits anxiolytic-like activity via the DP1 receptor in mice. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. 2009; 88(3-4):68-72.

[3] Zhao H, Usui H, Ohinata K, Yoshikawa M. Met-Arg-Trp derived from Rubisco lowers blood pressure via prostaglandin D2-dependent vasorelaxation in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Peptides, 2008; 29(3):345-9.

[4] Zhao H, Usui H, Ohinata K, Yoshikawa M. Rubimetide (Met-Arg-Trp) derived from Rubisco exhibits anxiolytic-like activity via the DP1 receptor in male ddY mice. Peptides, 2008; 29(4): 345-9.

[5] Ohinata K, Zhao H, Hiroyuki F, Tomohide Y, Kiyotaka N, Teruo M, Yoshikawa M. Elongation of anti-hypertensive effect of tea catechin by coadministration with milk protein in spontaneously hypertensive rats. J. Clin. Biochem. Nutr. Supple. 2008; 43:286-9.

[6] Yamada Y, Nishizawa K, Yokoo M, Zhao H, Onishi K, Teraishi M, Utsumi S, Ishimoto M, Yoshikawa, M. Anti-hypertensive activity of genetically modified soybean seeds accumulating novokinin. Peptides, 2008; 29(3):331-7.

[7] Yamada Y, Yamauchi D, Usui H, Zhao H, Yokoo M, Ohinata K, Iwai M, Horiuchi M, Yoshikawa M.Hypotensive activity of novokinin, a potent analogue of ovokinin(2-7), is mediated by angiotensin AT2 receptor and prostaglandin IP receptor. Peptides, 2008; 29(3):412-8

[8] Yang L, Tada Y, Yamamoto MP, Zhao H, Yoshikawa M, Takaiwa F. A transgenic rice seed accumulating an anti-hypertensive peptide educes the blood pressure of spontaneously hypertensive rats. FEBS Lett., 2006;580(13): 3315-20.